
I am seeking ethically minded free thinkers who express themselves through Music or Film or Art.
There is a synergy that can exist between Music, Film & Art. An aesthetic that can provoke a life affecting moment. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
There is also a natural cross-over.. as opportunities may exist for individuals or groups from their artforms to also work in harmony and as a team. Put quite simply- those making music may want to make Films/Videos/visual representations to communicate their band/brand. Equally, those making Films, Documentaries, Show-reels or short stories- may need music & soundtracks. Both those artforms may need Art.. be it in the forms of photography, drawing, graffiti, abstract conceptual visuals, drama and actors.
We live in a time where style is too often at the expense of substance. A time where the priority of profit is placed above the joy from creation and the rewards that can bring to people within their lives.
The advances in technology that have seen the globe become a more connected entity- in effect a global village- has created an opportunity for individuals to empower themselves in reaching out to others in a way that has been un-paralleled before.. However, through the advent of the internet that first saw the initial empowerment of people in creative circles being given a freer opportunity for their ‘work’ to be seen by others of a much wider audience.. What has now occurred is that Big Business and large Corporations have retaken control in a bigger way than ever before- (Through the use of predictive data analytics and behavioural sciences and advanced advertising techniques and algorithms an even bigger stranglehold on the marketplaces in which creative artistes can ‘sell their goods’ has been placed..* see link at bottom of page for a fully detailed source, after reading this entire page) Whilst on the face of it the customer/consumer is being allowed access to music and film at lower than ever before prices.. this is in effect often ‘starving’ the people producing these art-forms as they now are only receiving small fractions of monies being generated. In practical terms this is in many ways actually restricting the content that people are being allowed to view- as it is being stopped from reaching the ‘masses’ because the ‘only’ perceived channels that are widely distributing this are taking the lions share of the profits and determining what content is allowed to ‘shine through’ more than others..

Quite simply I now wish to help others with a like-minded ethic, experience the joy and happiness they can get from creating their art-form and reach as wider audience as possible and receive a large enough monetary gain for them to continue to do that without them having to ‘suffer for their Art’ … Lets make joy happen again!>