Be The Change

Do you want to join the existing Music and Film Industries knowing that you may well have to compromise on your Artform… being also placed under pressures to meet deadlines that are set by others whose motivation is different from your own……
Would you prefer to have COMPLETE Artistic freedom whilst still owning the Rights to your creation and being rewarded financially above the ‘Industry ‘standard’ rates…?

In essence I see no need for greed…. Whilst I also recognise the need for sustainability and generating income streams to ensure that co-operatives and networking can be maintained and done to levels to still enhance and promote widely the interests of myself and those with whom I collaborate with.
Plainly speaking…
My overheads are low and my need for profits is NOT driven by ‘desires of excess’…
WE must all have a fair share of the pie.
EACH individual component of the Industry (Publishing, Sales, Merchandise, Distribution, Synchronisation, etc.- * see link below for more detailed explanation)I am looking to facilitate at percentages that may be more competitive than some of recognised Industry standards -whilst still ensuring that a high quality of service and ‘finished product’ is achieved.
I also massively see the merits of looking to promote and get as much recognition within the existing Industries by seeking to ‘climb the ladders’ it has created – but to do it in slightly differing ways to help influence and organically change that Industry ‘from within’- if people can demonstrate different ways of doing things either financially, commercially or artistically this can be the change to help alleviate some of the problems that are now besetting of todays ‘marketplace.’
EACH individual persons requirements are different and I am seeking to work to meet the needs of the creator whilst at the same time only looking to be involved with one project from each art-form at any one time.
I have no interest in setting up a company to just regurgitate all of the previously used models when some of them may no be longer valid in the world of today. I also do not wish to be involved in anything for the sake of the artistic merits without it being sustainable or by the same token in anything that could in theory generate massive profits but doesn’t meet with my principles(see SUPPORTING page)Most importantly it should have some form of ‘unique style’ pertaining to its creator. I see each individual as an individual and deserving to be considered on their own individual merits and in the context of what they are trying to achieve with their creation.